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Google analytics ???

Na koji način da isključim svoj traffic iz google analyticsa. Vidim da je moguće filtriranjem IP-a, korištenjem cookia ili pak aktiviranjem addona. Šta odabrati
Prošli tjedan je došlo do određenih promjena u načinu na koji Google Analyticsi računaju posjetitelje.

Citat s Google Analytics bloga:

What’s changing?
Currently, Google Analytics ends a session when:

  • More than 30 minutes have elapsed between pageviews for a single visitor.
  • At the end of a day.
  • When a visitor closes their browser.

If any of these events occur, then the next pageview from the visitor will start a new session.

In the new model, Google Analytics will end a session when:

  • More than 30 minutes have elapsed between pageviews for a single visitor.
  • At the end of a day.
  • When any traffic source value for the user changes. Traffic source information includes: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content, utm_id, utm_campaign, and gclid.

As before, if any of these events occur, then the next pageview from the user will be the start of a new session.

How will this affect my Google Analytics data?
This change only applies for visits going forward from today, and your historical data will not change. We’re bringing the definition of session in line with the common definition of a visit. If a visitor leaves your site and returns soon after with a different traffic source value, each visit will be measured with its own session.

Since Google Analytics will start new sessions for all new campaign information, sessions will now have the more accurate attribution information. This will be especially helpful if you use Multi-Channel Funnels. Additionally, by continuing a session when the user closes their browser for only a very short time, sessions will more accurately model a user’s engagement with the website. Overall, this change may slightly increase the number of visits. Based on our research, most users will see less than a 1% change.

Jeste li primjetili kakve promjene u broju posjeta zadnjih tjedan dana?
Meni se čini da je sve ostalo isto.
Malo se povećao broj posjetitelja ali sa njima isto tako i pageview-ovi.
Srle300 kaže:
Jeste li primjetili kakve promjene u broju posjeta zadnjih tjedan dana?
Meni se čini da je sve ostalo isto.
Malo se povećao broj posjetitelja ali sa njima isto tako i pageview-ovi.

meni je povećan broj posjeta, ali ne zbog ovih promjena nego zbog viših pozicija na googlu! :drinking
ibengeri kaže:
meni je povećan broj posjeta, ali ne zbog ovih promjena nego zbog viših pozicija na googlu! :drinking

E pa baš to. Ja sam pomislio da je broj posjeta porastao radi tih promjena, ali onda bi broj pageview-ova trebao ostat na istoj razini kao i prije, a kod mene je sve poraslo.
Ja sam se prebacio na Yandex Merica i prezadovoljan, nema delaya, praktično real time tracking.
Na vrh