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Adwords samo za firme?


Tu od
21 Velj 2014
Dobio sam email od Google-a:

Starting 1 September 2017, all AdWords accounts will be considered Business accounts. A Business account type means that your AdWords account is used for commercial purposes. A Business account can be held by corporate entities, affiliates, sole traders, self-employed merchants, and partnerships. Accordingly, we will change your AdWords account type from Individual to Business.
We don't add Value Added Tax to AdWords charges for Business accounts. Per the AdWords terms of service that apply to you, you’ll be responsible for self-assessing and remitting any taxes due in Serbia.
Google can't advise you on tax matters, so please contact your tax adviser for any questions regarding this change.
The Google AdWords Team

Da li ovo znaci da cemo se vise fokusirati na reklamiranje sa FB ads?
mozda mozes raditi i dalje, samo da im tamo negdje javis da porez regulises u srbiji kao privatno lice ... nesto slicno mi je paypal skoro trazio
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